A day off

Friday was my day off so I had a bit of a lazy day. I did however decide to make some brooches, I just need to get the brooch backs to complete them.

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20130112-070406 AM.jpg slightly cross eyed frog

20130112-070438 AM.jpg I love watching the Little Princess so this is inspired by that

20130112-070514 AM.jpg lastly I found some ribbon and made this. It’s made me want to buy lots more ribbon!


I was always obsessed with button tins, there was something that I liked about finding a special sparkly button or a really unusual one. Or toggles, I love the feel of wooden toggles for duffles.

And now I have a collection of my own 🙂 I was spoilt at Christmas and got even more mixed buttons to add to my box. It’s brimming and I can’t wait to start using them.

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Hello :)

I’ve always wanted to be someone who was able to do craft. I admire those people who make clothes, knit, crochet, sew and generally create wonderful things.

I recently bought a little felt sewing kit and really enjoyed making the items. It lead to me making little green felt trees for people for Christmas rather than writing cards.

I’ve also started doing a little cross stitch and so far finding it very therapeutic. I lose myself in the pattern and it’s nice to switch my brain off for a little while.